Monday, August 25, 2014

Week of August 25th

Ride the Wave to Learning…
Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will be determining 100 BC levels and discussing figurative language.
ELA- We will review qualities of a memoir, and students will read examples of memoirs to prepare for writing their own memoir.
Math- This week we will discuss place value and representing numbers in a variety of ways.
Science- We will continue learning about the science process skills. There will be a Process Skills Test Wednesday, September 3rd.   
Social Studies- We will begin discussing the different early Native Americans cultural groups and their locations.

News from the Beach…
Aug. 25th: PTA Fall Fundraiser Begins
Aug. 29th:  College Colors Day
September 1: Labor Day; No School
*We will have P.E. on Friday so wear tennis shoes.

Surfer of the Week
Keturah is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of caring. She found ways to help others in the classroom even when it wasn’t asked of her. Way to go Keturah!
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
*Process Skills Test will be Wednesday, September 3rd.
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good:  19 steps
 Better: 40 steps

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Land Bridge Theory Model

On Friday, students made a land bridge model using play dough, ice cubes, and water. They were able to see how the two continents Asia and North America were connected during the ice age creating a land bridge for people to cross. Here is one group's land bridge.

After the groups created their model, they drew a picture in their Social Studies notebooks. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm excited to start the first week with all the students! I hope you are too!

Reading- This week will begin reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will be determining 100 BC levels.

ELA- We will begin discussing qualities of a memoir, and students will read examples of memoirs to prepare for writing their own memoir.

Math- This week we will begin discussing arrays, skip counting, and the commutative property and how they help with understanding multiplication.

Science- We will begin learning about the science process skills.

Social Studies- We will begin with a review of the continents and start discussing how early Native Americans came to our continent.

August 21: Back to School Bash 5-8pm
August 22: School Spirit Day
*We will have P.E. on Friday so please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing and tennis shoes.
Surfer of the Week
I will begin choosing one student per week to be the Surfer of the week. I will be looking for a student who displays life skills such as responsibility, respect, problem solving, perseverance, initiative, pride, etc. I will post the student's name on here.
100 Book Challenge Goals
Good: 8 steps
Better: 20 steps