Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of November 17th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week we will be reading informational articles about the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Students will be reviewing text features. (Test on Text Features Thursday)

ELA- Students will learn the rules for using commas in their writing. In addition, students will be writing a letter to King George the Third as either a loyalist or patriot.

Math- This week we’ll continue practicing long division. (Test on Long Division Friday)

Science- Students will begin learning about light and the properties of light.

Social Studies
- Students will learn about slavery and indentured servants. (Test on Triangular Trade and Slavery Tuesday)  In addition, students will learn about the events that led to the American Revolution.
News from the Beach…
Nov. 19th – Thanksgiving Dinner in the Cafeteria
Nov. 20th – PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Nov. 21st – OES School Spirit Day
Nov. 21st – End of PTA Attraction Coupon Book Fundraiser being
Nov. 24th – 2nd 9-Week’s Interim Reports
Nov. 26th thru 28th – Thanksgiving Break
Surfer of the Week

Amiah is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of flexibility. She is able to alter plans when necessary. Way to go Amiah!
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Tuesday: Triangular Trade and Slavery Test
Thursday: Text Features Test

Friday: Division Test
Homework for the Week:
Read 30 minutes for 100 Book Challenge every night.
*Study Text Features notes in Reading notebook.
*Study Triangular Trade and Slavery notes.
*Complete the division practice sheet.

*Bring in landfill materials by Thursday.
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 149 steps
 Better: 280 steps

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week of November 10th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week we will continue learning. We will finish reading the informational book, War of the Woods.

ELA- Students will learn the rules for using commas in their writing.

Math- This week we’ll be practicing long division.

Science- Students will learn about the five distinct environments (polar regions, swamps, rivers and streams, deserts, and tropical rainforests). Test on Distinct Environments Friday

Social Studies
- Students will learn about slavery and indentured servants. (Test on Triangular Trade and Slavery next Tuesday)  In addition, students will learn about the events that led to the American Revolution.
News from the Beach…
Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day Program, 9:00am
Nov. 14th – Doughnuts with Dad; 7:00am to 7:30am in the cafeteria
Nov. 14th – Christmas Pictures
Nov. 19th – Thanksgiving Dinner in the Cafeteria
Nov. 20th – PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Nov. 21st – OES School Spirit Day
Nov. 21st – End of PTA Attraction Coupon Book Fundraiser
Surfer of the Week

Sandra is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of perseverance. She doesn’t give up on her work. Way to go Sandra!
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Friday: Vocabulary Test; Distinct Environments Test

*Test on Triangular Trade and Slavery next Tuesday
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 138 steps
 Better: 260 steps

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of November 3rd

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week we will continue learning about informational text features. We will continue reading the informational book, War of the Woods.

ELA- Students will be learning about conjunctions and writing an argumentative paragraph. They will write an argument either supporting loggers or environmentalists.

Math- This week we’ll continue reviewing multiplication and starting division. (Multiplication fast facts Retest Friday)

Science- Students will learn about the five distinct environments (polar regions, swamps, rivers and streams, deserts, and tropical rainforests).

Social Studies- We will review the 13 original colonies (Test on Wednesday). Students will begin learning about slavery and indentured servants.
News from the Beach…
Nov. 4th- Election Day (No School)
Nov. 6th- Brattonsville Field Trip
Nov. 6th – Boiling Springs Middle Student Spotlight; 6:00 @ BSM Auditorium
Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day Program, 9:00am
Nov. 14th – Doughnuts with Dad; 7:00am to 7:30am in the cafeteria
Nov. 14th – Christmas Pictures
 Surfer of the Week
Aidan is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of integrity. He acts according to what’s right and wrong. Way to go Aidan!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:

Tuesday: No School
Wednesday: 13 Original Colonies Test
Thursday: Field Trip
Friday: Multiplication Fast Facts Retest; Informational Text Features Test; Conjunctions Test

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 127 steps
 Better: 240 steps

Way to go to the following students for passing their multiplication fast facts test: