Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of April 20th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- Students will be using researching skills to find information about six abolitionists. They will take a test on their book club book Wednesday.

ELA- Students will be learning about adverbs and reviewing for the ACT test.

Math- Students will learn about solving word problems that deal with distance and time.

Science- Students will finish learning about severe weather and begin discussing how meteorologists predict weather. (Severe Weather Test Friday)

Social Studies
- We will continue learning about the expansion of the United States and the impact we had on the Native Americans. (Westward Expansion Test Tuesday)  
News from the Beach…
April 23rd – Cap & Gown pictures for 5K & 4th grade students
April 24th – OES School Spirit Day
April 27th – Annual Parent Survey Due
April 28th – 4th 9-Weeks Interim Reports; ACT Writing/English Testing
April 29th – ACT Reading Testing
April 30th – ACT Math Testing

Surfer of the Week

The surfer of the week is Cassidy Lor. She has displayed the life skill of perseverance by never giving up on difficult assignments. Way to go Cassidy!
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Tuesday: Westward Expansion Test
Wednesday: Book Club Test

Friday: Severe Weather Test
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 353 steps
 Better: 640 steps