Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 14th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will discuss steps for solving word problems and review multiplying and dividing larger numbers.


Reading- We will continue our unit on Poetry and discuss the elements of a poem.

ELA/Writing- We will share our Tall Tales and write a narrative about a problem Santa Claus has encountered.


Social Studies- We will continue discussing the battles of the Revolutionary War. Students will be writing a haiku for each battle.


We will finish our Astronomy unit. We will discuss shadows and how they prove the Earth’s rotation. (Test on Shadows Wednesday)
News from the Beach…
December 15th: PTA/4th grade Christmas Program 6:30 pm; Students will need to be in the gym seated by 6:10 pm

December 17: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

December 18: 4th grade Christmas program encore @8:30 am, Christmas parties 9:30 am -10:15 am, Students dismissed at 11:00
Surfer of the Week
I will be picking a surfer of the week when we return from the Christmas Break.
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday: Science Shadows Test
Thursday: Math Word Problem Test

Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night
* Lunar Log: Students will draw the moon each night for the month of December and notice how the moon phases change throughout the month. If students can’t see the moon they will need to write “can’t been seen.”  Parents should initial each night. This will be a test grade in Science. (Lunar Log is due 12-18)
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 198 steps
 Better: 360 steps