Monday, February 1, 2016

Week of February 1st

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will review adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. We will learn how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.


Reading- We will begin looking at text features of informational text.

ELA/Writing- We will look at commonly misused homophones and verb tenses. We will look at comparing two different texts and finding the common theme and writing an analysis. 


Social Studies- We will continue learning about the Articles of Confederation and our U.S. Constitution.


We will begin learning about distinct environments and focusing on Rivers and Streams to decorate our room in this environment.
News from the Beach…
February 2nd- Science Fun Night/PTA Science Fair 6:30 pm
February 3rd- 4th grade field trip to orchestra
February 12th- Valentine's Day Parties 1:00-1:30
February 15th-19- Jump Rope for Heart week
February 16th- Interim reports go home
Surfer of the Week

The surfer of the week is Gracy. She has shown the life skill of organization by putting her papers in the correct place and keeping an organized desk. Way to go Gracy!    
Upcoming Tests/Projects:

Friday: Homophones and Verb Tense Test
Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night

*Students will pick one animal and one plant from the Rivers and Streams environment and then create each one to go in our classroom. Students are also encouraged to bring in any props, gear, or stuffed animals that represent or belong in/near Rivers and Streams!
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 253 steps
 Better: 460 steps