Monday, September 29, 2014

Week of September 29th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

ELA- Students will be writing advice about bullying situations to the younger grades. In addition, they will learn how to use quotation marks. (Test on Quotation Marks Wednesday October 8th)

Math- This week we will focus on subtracting large numbers using a variety of strategies.  

Science- We will continue our unit on Animals. (Test on Classification of Organisms Thursday)
Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the famous explorers. Explorer test will be on Wednesday, October 1st. (See Study Guide in Social Studies notebook) In addition, we will begin discussing the Columbian Exchange.

News from the Beach…

October 1st:  Fall Picture Orders are Due (Make-Up Pictures, 10/21)

Surfer of the Week

Ethan is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of integrity. He is always doing what is right. Way to go Ethan!

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 72 steps
 Better: 140 steps
*Return Signed Papers Folder. Remember to review the material with your child and go over their errors. Thank you!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week of September 22nd

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will discuss story elements.

ELA- Students will be writing advice about bullying situations to the younger grades. In addition, they will learn how to use quotation marks.

Math- This week we will focus on adding and subtracting large numbers using a variety of strategies.  

Science- We will begin our unit on Animals. We will discuss how to classify animals.     

Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the famous explorers. Students will need to complete their Explorer Diary Project for homework. It will be due Friday. Explorer test will be on Wednesday, October 1st. (See Study Guide in Social Studies notebook)

News from the Beach…
September 23rd:  Dress Like a Pirate Day
September 26th: Math MAP Test
October 1st:  Fall Picture Orders are Due (Make-Up Pictures, 10/21)
Surfer of the Week
Cassidy is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of curiosity. She is always involved in every lesson and shows interest. Way to go Cassidy!
Homework for the Week:
*Study Wonder Vocabulary; Test Wednesday    
*Explorer Diary Project due Friday. Students should use rubric/instruction sheet to make sure they include all the requirements.
Read 30 minutes for 100 Book Challenge every night.

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 61 steps
 Better: 120 steps

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week of September 16th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will discuss random acts of kindness.

ELA- Students will learn the friendly letter format.   

Math- This week we will focus on rounding numbers and comparing numbers. Test on Rounding Numbers Wednesday.

Science- We will review safety rules and steps to a scientific experiment. Test on Safety/steps to experiment Thursday. We will begin our unit on Animals.    

Social Studies- We will continue discussing the motivations for early exploration. In addition, we will learn about famous explorers.

News from the Beach…
September 16th: Fall MAP Reading Test  
September 16th: PTA Open House; 6:30 (Cafeteria)
September 18th: Interim Reports; PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
September 19th: Wood Magical Forest Field Trip (Wear an OES shirt)  
September 23rd:  Dress Like a Pirate Day
Surfer of the Week
Emma is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of caring. She cares for her classmates. Way to go Emma!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday: Rounding Test
Thursday: Safety Rules/Steps of Science Experiment Test

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 50 steps
 Better: 100 steps
**We are learning about Random Acts of Kindness. Students will be doing random acts of kindness for homework throughout this week.

Grandparents Day 9/12/14

Thank you to all the grandparents that came Friday morning. I enjoyed meeting you and hope you had fun spending time with your grandchild.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week of September 8th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will be determining 100 BC levels and DRA levels.

ELA- Students will finish writing their memoirs. They will include figurative language and transition words in their writing.  

Math- This week we will focus on rounding numbers.

Science- We will discuss the steps of a scientific investigation. We will conduct a rocket experiment using the steps.   

Social Studies- Students will be tested on Native Americans Tuesday, September 9th. Study the map, notes, and homes. In addition, we will begin discussing the motivations for early exploration.

News from the Beach…
September 8th:  Good News Club begins
September 12th: Goodies with Grandparents @ 7:00am in the cafeteria
September 16th: Open House @ 6:30 pm
Surfer of the Week
Jada is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of organization. She has neat notebooks and puts away papers in the right spot. Way to go Jada!

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 39 steps
 Better: 80 steps

Important Reminders:
Field trip money and form is due. Field trip to the Wood Magical Forest will be September 19th.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week of September 2nd

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, we will be determining 100 BC levels and DRA levels.

ELA- Students will be writing a rough draft of a personal memoir. They will learn how to use figurative language and transition words in their writing.  

Math- This week we will continue representing numbers in a variety of ways and begin learning how to round numbers.

Science- We will continue learning about the science process skills. There will be a Process Skills Test Wednesday, September 3rd.   

Social Studies- We will continue discussing the 5 Native American cultural groups and their locations. In addition, students will build the Native American homes.

News from the Beach…
September 3rd: Fall Pictures
September 8th:  Good News Club begins (All forms must be returned before the first meeting)
September 12th: Goodies with Grandparents @ 7:00am in the cafeteria
Surfer of the Week

Dante’ is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of effort. He tries his best on every assignment. Way to go Dante’!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
*Process Skills Test will be Wednesday, September 3rd.
*Native American Test will be Tuesday, September 9th.

*Field trip to Wood Magic Forest Fair will be Friday, September 19th. Return field trip form with money. Return signed papers folder.

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 30 steps
 Better: 60 steps