Monday, September 29, 2014

Week of September 29th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week will continue reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

ELA- Students will be writing advice about bullying situations to the younger grades. In addition, they will learn how to use quotation marks. (Test on Quotation Marks Wednesday October 8th)

Math- This week we will focus on subtracting large numbers using a variety of strategies.  

Science- We will continue our unit on Animals. (Test on Classification of Organisms Thursday)
Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the famous explorers. Explorer test will be on Wednesday, October 1st. (See Study Guide in Social Studies notebook) In addition, we will begin discussing the Columbian Exchange.

News from the Beach…

October 1st:  Fall Picture Orders are Due (Make-Up Pictures, 10/21)

Surfer of the Week

Ethan is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of integrity. He is always doing what is right. Way to go Ethan!

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 72 steps
 Better: 140 steps
*Return Signed Papers Folder. Remember to review the material with your child and go over their errors. Thank you!

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