Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week of October 6th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week we will finish reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will discuss the plot of the story. (Wonder Vocabulary Test Friday) Parents are invited to come to the Buddy Bench Ceremony at 8:30am Friday.

ELA- In addition, they will learn how to use quotation marks. (Test on Quotation Marks Thursday October 9th)  

Math- This week we will focus on learning a variety of strategies for solving multiplication problems with larger numbers.

Science- We will continue our unit on Animals. Students will be learning about animals’ senses.

Social Studies
- We will discuss the French and Spanish colonies in North America. Students will learn about their government, religion, economy, and lifestyle.
News from the Beach…
October 6th-10th: Walk to School Week (Lego theme)
October 8th: Walk to School Day (Dress as Lego Movie character)
October 10th: Buddy Bench ceremony at 8:30am
October 10th: Fire Prevention Assembly at 1:00pm
Surfer of the Week

Eli is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of patience. He waits calmly in all situations. Way to go Eli!
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 83 steps
 Better: 160 steps

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