Monday, October 20, 2014

Week of October 20th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- This week we will begin learning about informational text features. We will be starting our new PBL “Tread Lightly on our Earth”

ELA- Students will finish writing a letter to an editor about the school’s new buddy bench. In addition, they will learn about complete sentences vs. fragments and run-ons. (Complete Sentences Test on Wednesday)

Math- This week we’ll continue learning a variety of strategies for solving multiplication problems with larger numbers. (Multiplication fast facts test Thursday)

Science- We will continue our unit on Animals. Students will begin learning about organisms’ behavior in their environments. (Senses and Learned/Inherited Behaviors Test Thursday)

Social Studies- We will discuss the 13 original colonies in terms of their religion, government, and economy.

News from the Beach…
Oct. 20th thru Oct. 23rd – Fall Book Fair
Oct. 21st – Fall Make-Up Pictures
Oct. 21st and 23rd- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct. 23rd- Fall Festival 5:00pm-8:00pm
Oct. 24th- No School (Staff Development)

Surfer of the Week
Reece is our surfer of the week. She has displayed the life skill of initiative. She goes above and beyond what’s expected of her. Way to go Reece!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday: Complete Sentence Test
Thursday: Senses and Learned/Inherited behaviors Test; Multiplication Fast Facts Test
Friday: No School

Homework for the Week:
Read 30 minutes for 100 Book Challenge every night.
*Students need to have multiplication facts memorized! If they don’t it’s important for them to memorize them. Students need to study Multiplication Chart. There will be a multiplication fast facts test Thursday.

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 105 steps
 Better: 200 steps

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