Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Week of January 5th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will begin discussing unit fractions and equivalent fractions.


Reading- We will continue our unit on Poetry and discuss the elements of a poem. Students should continue preparing for the Poetry Café.

ELA/Writing- We will discuss the rules for using quotation marks in their writing. We will also be looking at examples of extended metaphors with the intention of writing our own extended metaphors.


Social Studies- We will continue discussing the battles of the Revolutionary War. Students will be writing a haiku for each battle.


We will begin our unit on Light and the properties of light.
News from the Beach…
January 15th- OES Spelling Bee
January 12th-CPR training
January 18th- MLK Holiday (No School)
January 19th- Report Cards
January 21st- Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
January 22nd- 2nd 9 Weeks Awards Day
Surfer of the Week
I will be picking a surfer of the week next week. I can’t wait to see all the life skills represented in the classroom.     

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Next Thursday: Key Battles of the Revolutionary War Test 

Homework for the Week

*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night

* Poetry Café: Our Poetry Café will be January 27th @ 9:00am  - 10:00am in the library. Students will need to have their poem approved by me with a copy of their poem turned in by Friday the 8th. Students have been given a sheet with more detailed info about their presentation for the day. They will present a poem that’s been memorized.

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 209 steps
 Better: 380 steps

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