Saturday, September 12, 2015

3....2.....1 Blast Off!

Rocket Launch

This week students were able to use the steps of a scientific experiment to construct a rocket out of paper with a partner. Students learned the steps scientists use to conduct an experiment. The class came up with a testable question: Does the length of a rocket determine the distance it can travel? Then they were able to work with a partner to measure their rocket. The materials needed for the experiment were scissors, tape, paper, and rulers. Students launched their rockets and measured the distance their rocket traveled.

Estella is putting her rocket on the pipe.
Ava is launching her rocket with as much force as possible.
Jesse is really wanting his rocket to go far!
Raegan and Veronica's rocket traveled the farthest! The rocket traveled a total of 27 meters! Way to go girls!!
Everyone did a great job building rockets! Proud of all our scientists!!


  1. Look how fun this is! I know they had a "blast" designing, constructing, and launching their rockets! Fun times in 4th grade!

  2. Look how fun this is! I know they had a "blast" designing, constructing, and launching their rockets! Fun times in 4th grade!
