Monday, September 21, 2015

Week of Septemner 21st

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will begin discussing strategies for adding and subtracting numbers. (Remember to review multiplication facts every night to be ready for the fast facts test Friday.)


Reading- We will continue to read the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will continue to focus on character traits and using evidence from the text to support conclusions.

ELA/Writing- We will learn about the purpose of conjunctions, examples, and how to use them properly.   


Social Studies- We will begin our Explorers unit. They will learn the reasons for exploration and begin to learn specific explorers and their accomplishments.


We will review Safety Procedures and Investigation steps. We will begin our Weather unit. (Test on Safety Procedures and Scientific Steps Wednesday)
News from the Beach…
Sept. 25th – OES School Spirit Day
Sept. 30th – Boosterthon Kickoff
Oct. 5th- Fall Pictures Order due
Surfer of the Week
The surfer of the week is Raegan. She has displayed the life skill of collaboration. She is always working well on group assignments and makes an effort to be on task at all times. Way to go Raegan!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday- Safety Procedures and Scientific Steps Test
Friday- Multiplication fast facts Test
*Test on Vocabulary words next Tuesday, 9-29

Homework for the Week

(Please refer to your student’s agenda for daily homework. This is only an outline.)

*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night

*New Wonder vocabulary flashcards due Wednesday.

*Study multiplication facts- Multiplication fast facts test Friday

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 66 steps
 Better: 120 steps

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