Monday, October 19, 2015

"Choose Kind" Update

 Image result for wonder characters by rj palacio synopsis
We have learned there are many difficulties a person endures with a facial deformity by reading the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Auggie Pullman is just like any normal ten-year-old boy. He likes a lot of the same things as the 4th graders at OES. However, he does have a noticeable difference that takes people by surprise. We have all come to love Auggie Pullman even though he is a fictional character. He does represent children everywhere with facial deformities. In our PBL, we will continue to learn about this great organization CCA that helps those children like Auggie. Go to the following link to find out more about the CCA, Children's Craniofacial Association.
We will begin researching and creating videos to inform others about this great organization. Students will create a script for their video and then we will record the videos. We will post our videos on our "Spread Kindness" blog. See below for the website.
You can also pledge to choose kind. You just scroll to the bottom of the above blog and sign up. Let's all choose kind! What a difference that would make!

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