Monday, November 16, 2015

Week of November 16th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will continue discussing long division.


Reading- We will finish reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will be focusing on story elements from Wonder and other fictional stories.

ELA/Writing- We will look at infographics and create an infographic about the CCA. We will discuss capitalization rules. Don’t forget to check out our blog and sign the pledge to choose kindness:


Social Studies- We will discuss the events that led to the Revolutionary War.


Science- We will continue our Astronomy unit. We will review planets, characteristics of the sun/moon, and seasons. We will discuss the reasons for day and night. (Astronomy Test #1 Tuesday-Nov. 24th)

News from the Beach…
Nov. 16th thru 20th – American Education Week
Nov. 18th – Thanksgiving Lunch
Nov. 19th – Original Works Orders are Due
Nov. 19th – PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Nov. 20th – School Spirit Day
Nov. 25 thru 27th – Thanksgiving Holidays
Surfer of the Week
The surfer of the week is Ava. She has displayed the life skill of effort. She tries her best on every assignment. Way to go Ava!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Friday- Kindness Website sheet due; Final Wonder Test

Next Tuesday: Capitalization Test; Astronomy Test
Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night
*Students will need to complete the Kindness website sheet where they will think of at least 5 people they know to share the website and have them sign the kindness pledge. The sheet is due Friday November 20th.
*Study Story Elements chart for Wonder Test
Nov. 18th -Thanksgiving Lunch at 12:40 – 1:10pm (Send in payment in envelope sent home with student- Adult lunch: $3.50 Child lunch: $2.15) Payment due Nov. 11th and Tickets go home Nov. 16th

100 Book Challenge Goals

  Good: 165 steps

 Better: 300 steps

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