Monday, February 1, 2016

Week of February 1st

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will review adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. We will learn how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.


Reading- We will begin looking at text features of informational text.

ELA/Writing- We will look at commonly misused homophones and verb tenses. We will look at comparing two different texts and finding the common theme and writing an analysis. 


Social Studies- We will continue learning about the Articles of Confederation and our U.S. Constitution.


We will begin learning about distinct environments and focusing on Rivers and Streams to decorate our room in this environment.
News from the Beach…
February 2nd- Science Fun Night/PTA Science Fair 6:30 pm
February 3rd- 4th grade field trip to orchestra
February 12th- Valentine's Day Parties 1:00-1:30
February 15th-19- Jump Rope for Heart week
February 16th- Interim reports go home
Surfer of the Week

The surfer of the week is Gracy. She has shown the life skill of organization by putting her papers in the correct place and keeping an organized desk. Way to go Gracy!    
Upcoming Tests/Projects:

Friday: Homophones and Verb Tense Test
Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night

*Students will pick one animal and one plant from the Rivers and Streams environment and then create each one to go in our classroom. Students are also encouraged to bring in any props, gear, or stuffed animals that represent or belong in/near Rivers and Streams!
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 253 steps
 Better: 460 steps

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week of January 25th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will review equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. We will discuss adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.


Reading- We will continue our unit on Poetry and discuss the different types of poetry and identify the theme in poetry. Students present their poem at the Poetry Café.

ELA/Writing- We will look at commonly misused homophones and verb tenses. We will look at comparing two different texts and finding the common theme and writing an analysis. 


Social Studies- We will finish learning about the important women and African Americans of the Revolutionary War. We will begin learning about the Articles of Confederation.


We will begin learning about distinct environments and focusing on Rivers and Streams to decorate our room in this environment.
News from the Beach…
January 27th- 2nd 9 Weeks Awards Day at 8:30am in the cafeteria
January 27th- Poetry Café 9:00am-10:00am in the cafeteria
February 2nd- Science Fun Night/PTA Science Fair 6:30 pm
Surfer of the Week

The surfer of the week is Turner. He has shown the life skill of integrity by being honest in all situations. Way to go Turner!    
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday: Light Unit Test    

Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night
* Poetry Café: Our Poetry Café will be January 27th @ 9:00am  - 10:00am in the library. Students have turned in their poems and they approved. Students have been given a sheet with more detailed info about their presentation for the day. They will present a poem that’s been memorized.
Study Light notes study guide in Science notebook. Test will be Wednesday, January 23rd.
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 242 steps
 Better: 440 steps

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Week of January 5th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will begin discussing unit fractions and equivalent fractions.


Reading- We will continue our unit on Poetry and discuss the elements of a poem. Students should continue preparing for the Poetry Café.

ELA/Writing- We will discuss the rules for using quotation marks in their writing. We will also be looking at examples of extended metaphors with the intention of writing our own extended metaphors.


Social Studies- We will continue discussing the battles of the Revolutionary War. Students will be writing a haiku for each battle.


We will begin our unit on Light and the properties of light.
News from the Beach…
January 15th- OES Spelling Bee
January 12th-CPR training
January 18th- MLK Holiday (No School)
January 19th- Report Cards
January 21st- Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
January 22nd- 2nd 9 Weeks Awards Day
Surfer of the Week
I will be picking a surfer of the week next week. I can’t wait to see all the life skills represented in the classroom.     

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Next Thursday: Key Battles of the Revolutionary War Test 

Homework for the Week

*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night

* Poetry Café: Our Poetry Café will be January 27th @ 9:00am  - 10:00am in the library. Students will need to have their poem approved by me with a copy of their poem turned in by Friday the 8th. Students have been given a sheet with more detailed info about their presentation for the day. They will present a poem that’s been memorized.

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 209 steps
 Better: 380 steps

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 14th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will discuss steps for solving word problems and review multiplying and dividing larger numbers.


Reading- We will continue our unit on Poetry and discuss the elements of a poem.

ELA/Writing- We will share our Tall Tales and write a narrative about a problem Santa Claus has encountered.


Social Studies- We will continue discussing the battles of the Revolutionary War. Students will be writing a haiku for each battle.


We will finish our Astronomy unit. We will discuss shadows and how they prove the Earth’s rotation. (Test on Shadows Wednesday)
News from the Beach…
December 15th: PTA/4th grade Christmas Program 6:30 pm; Students will need to be in the gym seated by 6:10 pm

December 17: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

December 18: 4th grade Christmas program encore @8:30 am, Christmas parties 9:30 am -10:15 am, Students dismissed at 11:00
Surfer of the Week
I will be picking a surfer of the week when we return from the Christmas Break.
Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Wednesday: Science Shadows Test
Thursday: Math Word Problem Test

Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night
* Lunar Log: Students will draw the moon each night for the month of December and notice how the moon phases change throughout the month. If students can’t see the moon they will need to write “can’t been seen.”  Parents should initial each night. This will be a test grade in Science. (Lunar Log is due 12-18)
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 198 steps
 Better: 360 steps

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Field Trip to Brattonsville

The Brattonsville field trip was an educational experience for all students! They were able to discover the lifestyle of colonists during the Revolutionary time period.
Students listened to how women help the wounded soldiers. They learned that the women helped the wounded loyalists and patriots.

Students learned how to march like soldiers during the Revolutionary War!

Students learned that not all people picked a side....loyalist or patriot. Some people just wanted the war to be over no matter what side won.

Students learned about the lifestyle of slaves during the Revolutionary War.

Students were able to split up into groups and scout out the land. They were able to see the landscape that the Revolutionary War soldiers saw in battle.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week of November 16th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Math- We will continue discussing long division.


Reading- We will finish reading the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will be focusing on story elements from Wonder and other fictional stories.

ELA/Writing- We will look at infographics and create an infographic about the CCA. We will discuss capitalization rules. Don’t forget to check out our blog and sign the pledge to choose kindness:


Social Studies- We will discuss the events that led to the Revolutionary War.


Science- We will continue our Astronomy unit. We will review planets, characteristics of the sun/moon, and seasons. We will discuss the reasons for day and night. (Astronomy Test #1 Tuesday-Nov. 24th)

News from the Beach…
Nov. 16th thru 20th – American Education Week
Nov. 18th – Thanksgiving Lunch
Nov. 19th – Original Works Orders are Due
Nov. 19th – PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Nov. 20th – School Spirit Day
Nov. 25 thru 27th – Thanksgiving Holidays
Surfer of the Week
The surfer of the week is Ava. She has displayed the life skill of effort. She tries her best on every assignment. Way to go Ava!

Upcoming Tests/Projects:
Friday- Kindness Website sheet due; Final Wonder Test

Next Tuesday: Capitalization Test; Astronomy Test
Homework for the Week
*Read 100 BC 2 steps every night
*Students will need to complete the Kindness website sheet where they will think of at least 5 people they know to share the website and have them sign the kindness pledge. The sheet is due Friday November 20th.
*Study Story Elements chart for Wonder Test
Nov. 18th -Thanksgiving Lunch at 12:40 – 1:10pm (Send in payment in envelope sent home with student- Adult lunch: $3.50 Child lunch: $2.15) Payment due Nov. 11th and Tickets go home Nov. 16th

100 Book Challenge Goals

  Good: 165 steps

 Better: 300 steps

Monday, October 19, 2015

"Choose Kind" Update

 Image result for wonder characters by rj palacio synopsis
We have learned there are many difficulties a person endures with a facial deformity by reading the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Auggie Pullman is just like any normal ten-year-old boy. He likes a lot of the same things as the 4th graders at OES. However, he does have a noticeable difference that takes people by surprise. We have all come to love Auggie Pullman even though he is a fictional character. He does represent children everywhere with facial deformities. In our PBL, we will continue to learn about this great organization CCA that helps those children like Auggie. Go to the following link to find out more about the CCA, Children's Craniofacial Association.
We will begin researching and creating videos to inform others about this great organization. Students will create a script for their video and then we will record the videos. We will post our videos on our "Spread Kindness" blog. See below for the website.
You can also pledge to choose kind. You just scroll to the bottom of the above blog and sign up. Let's all choose kind! What a difference that would make!