Monday, December 8, 2014

Week of December 8th

Ride the Wave to Learning…

Reading- Students will participate in a Socratic Seminar to present their opinions on loggers vs. environmentalists. In addition, students will be tested on Socrates Vocabulary words on Thursday.

ELA- Students will finish writing a letter to King George the Third as either a loyalist or patriot. In addition, they will begin writing their problem section of their Action Plan.

Math- This week we’ll continue discussing comparing fractions and equivalent fractions.  

Science- Students will continue learning about light and the properties of light. (Light Test Friday)

Social Studies- Students will begin learning about the importance of the Declaration of Independence. In addition, they will learn the main ideas included in the Declaration of Independence.
News from the Beach…
Dec. 16th – PTA/4th Grade Christmas Program; 6:30pm
Dec. 18th – PTA Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Dec. 19th – Half Day for Students; Dismissal @ 11:00am; Christmas Party at 9:30-10:15am
*Reminder: Bring in $3 ASAP for Zaxby’s food during Christmas Party.
Surfer of the Week
Elvin is our surfer of the week. He has displayed the life skill of problem solving. He is able to solve problems in effective ways. Way to go Elvin!
Homework for the Week:
Read 30 minutes for 100 Book Challenge every night.
*Begin planning out your steps to complete your action plan. Review the Action Plan Rubric to make sure you complete every part.
*Study Socrates Vocabulary Words (Test Thursday)  
*Study Light notes (Test Friday)
100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 176 steps
 Better: 320 steps

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